Freitag, März 03, 2006

Mike Austin ist im November 2005 friedlich eingeschlafen.

Für uns bleibt Mike am Leben. So wie Yoda und Ben Obi Wan Kenobi ist er immer an unserer Seite. Möge die Macht mit ihm sein.

An seinem Bett hat er mir noch die wichtigsten Secrets überliefert:

1. Stand erect and get your ass out.
2. Your lower spine has got to swing, big boy. It's a compound action.
3. Avoid backshifting, there is no power. Don't turn around your asshole.
4. Your clubhead is going around but don't roll your forearms, when you hit it. You hit it with a lob, buddy.
5. Don't forget the palmar flexion of the left hand. That is the secret for power.
6. Keep your head back over your right leg. It goes away from the target when you are starting down.
7. Roll your knee in. Your right foot has to allow the turn, my friend.
8. There is no independant movements of shoulders and arms, after you finish your backswing. The shift of your lower body is doing everything.
9. Don’t forget to turn your upper arms to keep the clubhead on plane.
10. Watch your right elbow. Avoid a flying right elbow and keep it in front of you while you are shifting the hips. There is no independent pulling down of the right elbow. That is an illusion.


Blogger Squish said...

Sir Heiko

Wonderful Post.

In translation
What are Eat-Gets?

Thank You!

2:44 PM  

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